Sampling points selected in Gothenburg
2020-03-10 11:06:28
A new milestone for the Göteborg case study. The possible sampling points have been narrowed down to total of six monitoring point in the stormwater system. Three of these have been selected around Skansen Lejonet (an old historic fortress in Göteborg). On the photo you can recognize the selected wells by the blue markings. Sensors placed in these wells will collect samples of the water runoff from the construction site, as well as up and downstream for the discharge points.
There were a lot of variables that the team had to take into consideration. For one, these sampling points are located on a lively construction site with on-site water treatment. Furthermore, the signal strength for the sensor communication needed to be optimal. You cannot really test this in a lab-setting, so a field visit was necessary. Since the sampling locations are difficult to reach, a stable data connection is of the utmost importance. Special thanks to the personnel from Kretslopp & Vatten, the department within the city of Göteborg reasonable for the stormwater system.